the great lawn project.


15,000 PEOPLE

3 years

FALL 2019 - FALL 2022


$142k RAISED THROUGH Spring 20220%

The Pawling Town Board invited the Pawling Community Foundation to study the best use of its park resources. After surveying Pawling’s leaders and residents the result is One Community. One Park, which addresses the most urgent needs at two of Pawling’s popular open spaces — Lakeside and Murrow Parks.

One of the biggest concerns raised by residents is the condition of the Great Lawn at Lakeside Park. The Lawn is one of the most heavily used resources with over 15,000 people gathering yearly for events such as Community Day, the Triathlon, Fireman’s Carnival, Rotary Fall Festival, Music by the Lake, summer day camps, and athletic events for young and old. 

Over the next two years PCF is committed to restoring the Great Lawn. We have the support of the Pawling Town Board, which will maintain the future renovated lawn. 

Future plans in keeping with suggestions from community members consist of a Murrow Park Development featuring an off-leash dog park, community gardens, rehabilitation of the natural amphitheater and band shell, and potential partnerships with other organizations for a nature center. Lakeside Park further development includes improved nature trails, featuring paths linking Murrow and Lakeside parks, and repurposing the site of the Old Inn.


quick facts.

*  15,000 people from the community use the Great Lawn each year

*  After surveying the community, the Great Lawn was clearly the top priority

*  The Pawling Town Board is partnering with the PCF for this unified goal

*  Engineering reports and architectural designs are complete. As soon as we meet our fundraising goal, we are ready to go!


We're Getting There!

The improvements to the Great Lawn at Lakeside Park will cost an estimated $480,000. This includes re-grading, moving topsoil, improving drainage, reseeding the lawn, installing an irrigation system, and landscaping. Through the success of two fundraising Galas, and the generous donations from our Fall and Spring appeals, we are nearly ⅓ of the way to our goal!

our track record speaks for itself

SInce its ineption in March 1992, PCF has supported local organizations and Village and Town governments in the area of the arts, cultural activities, tourism, and recreation. Our last major projet was the completion of the Village Green, for which we raised 1.5 million from the community and additional grants. The green is enjoyed by many, and hosts the farmers market from June – September as well as the arts and crafts festival.