How much funding is available?
The PCF will establish the dollar amount to be awarded within the first quarter of each calendar year. The total annual amount will be determined based on fundraising results from the prior year and PCF’s current overall financial position.
What are the Fund’s parameters for making grants? Grants begin at $500 minimum.
Can this funding be used to hire staff, pay for staff time or buy supplies?
Yes, hiring or supplementing staff and paying for supplies is eligible if the funded portion of the staff’s duties directly supports your mission.
How often does the Fund review grant applications?
Currently, we review grant applications annually. Applications for our annual grant cycle will be accepted starting in early Spring. The deadline this year is April 3 and winning applications will be announced by May 12.
When are grants funded?
Grants will be funded in full via check within two weeks following the announcement of the award.
Are there restrictions on the length of time needed to complete projects or programs funded by grants
Projects funded by The Pawling Community Foundation must be completed by December 31 of the award year.
Do winning applications need to provide a report after the funds are spent?
Yes, funded projects need to provide a report following use of the funding provided by this grant no later than February 1 of the following year. We reserve the right to invite applicants to speak with us about how funds were used. Those who submit applications will be required to give permission for us to use these reports publicly on to promote this grant program for future sponsors and applicants.
What criteria does the Fund use for awarding grants?
We prioritize our giving based on criteria that includes but may not be limited to: alignment with our giving priorities; perceived potential for the proposal’s success; and breadth of impact on the Pawling community. We will also review applications based on the extent to which the proposal advances the PCF’s commitment to improving the quality of life for all Pawling residents by developing community resources and public spaces, by furthering the community’s economic vitality, and supporting the arts, cultural activities, tourism, and recreation.
Is there a limit to the number of grant proposals an organization can submit? Or the number of times an organization may receive funding?
Although we do not have a policy limiting the number of grant proposals an organization can submit, or the number of times an organization may receive funding, we anticipate receiving many more proposals than we can fund, and we may prioritize accordingly. Each proposal will be considered on its own merits.
Does PCF consider multi-year grant proposals?
No. We will only be accepting annual grant requests. Multi-year proposals will not be considered. Please contact us if you have any questions at
Can I contact the PCF if I have additional questions?
Yes! Please feel free to email us at Be sure to include a phone number where you can be reached.
2023 Important Dates
With this being an annual program, the following dates are for the current application year (except where noted).
Application Opens: February 1
Application Deadline: April 3, at 11:59 pm
Announcement of Winning Applications: May 12
Funding Provided to Winning Applications: May 24 (sent within two weeks following the announcement)
Deadline for Funds to be Used: December 31
Report Deadline for Winning Applications: February 1, 2024